Criminal & Confiscation
We have acted in a large number of criminal cases, for both the Prosecution and Defence, including Theft, False Accounting, Money Laundering, Fraud, Companies Act / Insolvency Act offences, Counterfeiting, Cheating the Crown and even Murder when a financial motive was alleged. The clarity of our reports, and the evidence given, has been praised on numerous occasions by the Judiciary, in particular in complex fraud matters.
As night follows day, Confiscation Orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act (‘POCA’) are swiftly sought following convictions. We have assisted both Prosecutors and Defendants in the preparation and rebuttal of Financial Statements for use in POCA hearings. Peter Smith is a co-author of ‘The Confiscation Manual’ published by Sweet & Maxwell.
Defendants are often astounded by the level of benefit included within Prosecutor’s Statements. We examine the Prosecution Statement and challenge it where necessary. We understand the Court’s approach to benefit and the practical application of the statutory assumptions in ‘criminal lifestyle’ cases.
Our reports are clear and concise, marshalling the relevant facts and information based on a thorough and detailed examination of the Defendant’s financial affairs over many years.
Examples of some of the criminal / confiscation matters that we have acted in are set out within the case studies.
We have acted in criminal cases across the length and breadth of the country including London, Exeter, Ipswich, Bradford, Leeds, Chester, Manchester, Carlisle, Nottingham, Derby, Birmingham, Wakefield, Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Hull, Woolwich, Lincoln, Norwich, Lewes, Snaresbrook, Southwark, Blackfriars, Isleworth, Liverpool, Winchester and Preston.

Quantis is a member of the NIFA network of independent forensic accountants.